

Weitnauer advises Maxsolar GmbH on the preparation of and negotiation on a Power Purchase Agreement

Munich - The energy supplier EWS Elektrizitätswerke Schönau eG (EWS) and the Energy Cooperative InnSalzach eG (EGIS) have agreed to the direct supply of solar power via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). The contract was signed on March 3, 2020 during the Federal Congress of the Cooperative Energy System in Berlin. This Power Purchase Agreement between EWS eG and EGIS eG is considered a new marketing instrument and regulates the sale of electricity directly between producer and buyer.


This is the first time that two cooperatives have signed a solar PPA. Besides EWS and EGIS, MaxSolar GmbH was also involved in the negotiations. MaxSolar built the solar park, whose solar power will be sold with the PPA, negotiated the PPA until it was ready to be signed and handed over the project as a package to EGIS. Weitnauer Partner Dirk Voges advised Maxsolar during the negotiations with the energy supplier EWS on all contractual aspects.