Banking & Finance, FinTechs

We advise FinTechs and well-established financial service providers regarding the (re-)structuring of their business models, including questions on the need for authorization of their business activities pursuant to Financial Supervisory Law or the design of online presences and customer Agreements.

The technological revolution sustainably changes the financial industry: through blockchain-based currencies, ICOs, Crowdfunding-platforms, digital asset managers (Robo Advisory) or innovative payment service providers - FinTechs are active on the market for financial service providers and considerably change it, so that even traditional providers adapt their business models.


We advise FinTechs and well-established financial service providers regarding the (re-)structuring of their business models, including questions on the need for authorization of their business activities pursuant to Financial Supervisory Law or the design of online presences and customer agreements.


We also focus on the legal advice of companies and entrepreneurs in financing transactions, which also includes the assessment and design of securities. We provide advice on corporate bonds and all other forms of corporate financing such as profit participation rights and silent participations and design brochures. We advise on refinancing as well as on all topics of banking contract law and in this area as well as in capital investment law are or in cases of prospectus liability also forensically in particular in the defence against the investor lawsuits.


Our activities include the advice on continuing obligations required by Capital Market Law, e.g. the prohibition of insider dealing, ad hoc publicity or the publicity of shareholdings required by the Capital Market Law and pursuant to the German Securities Trading Act.


In our practice group Banking & Finance, Fintechs we combine the experience of our attorneys from the fields of banking and financial supervision law as well as IT law, which gives us the ability to provide efficient advice on complex questions regarding contract design and litigation.